"So the churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily."
Acts 16:5 (NASB)

Through God's will, and our obedience, we are in "PURSUIT" of a future property for growing our congregation and expanding our resources in order to be even more equipped for our Lord's work.

Our Vision

In the past when our sanctuary has been near or at capacity, we have utilized video streaming to other rooms for additional capacity. However, for more than a decade, Life In Christ has envisioned being able to worship and meet together in one physical location large enough to accommodate sustained growth even up to 500 people.

We believe that now is the time the Lord is calling us to pursue the future location of Life In Christ. Thus, we find it to be good stewardship to build our financial resources in order to have the ability to act when God presents us with the right property.

Expanding our church and property will grow our existing ministries and allow us to take on new ministries. These ministries will open up new opportunities to live out our mission of helping others to Enter new life in Christ, Embrace life principles of Christ, and be Empowered for life service by Christ. Our hope is to keep shining our light brighter and brighter in the Lehigh Valley.


"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
You can either give using the form below or use one of the other 2 ways to give

Give in Person

By placing your donation in one of the offering boxes at the back of the Sanctuary or the side of the Overflow area. Use the "Building Fund" envelopes to make sure your donation is allocated to the new building fund.

Mail a Check

Make a check out to Life In Christ Church, mail it to 51 Hillmond Street Bethlehem, PA 18018.  You can also put your check in an envelope and drop it off at the church office Monday, Thursday or Friday between 3pm-4:30pm, or after hours through the mail slot located to the left of the main church door. Be sure to write "Building Fund" on the memo line and on front of envelope.

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Life In Christ Church Apparel

To Get
Life In Christ Church
Logo Apparel

Contact Bethany Carlisle by clicking the email button below.

Available Merchandise Includes:

*Hooded Sweatshirts - $40

*Long Sleeve T-Shirts - $30

*Short Sleeve T-Shirts - $15

All proceeds from LICC Apparel go to the "Pursuit" Building Fund
Our Policies
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible. Your information is held securely by Life In Christ Church. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled or regular contributions.
Annual contribution statements are mailed in January for the prior calendar year.  If you have moved recently, please email your full name, former address, new address and phone number to office@lifeinchristchurch.com.
* We appreciate your gift to Life In Christ Church, and we will make every effort to apply your donation to the ministry you desire. However, in the event the specific need to which you are giving is fully funded or no longer exists, the Elders reserve the right to use your gift where most needed in support of the ongoing ministry of Life In Christ Church.

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We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.